Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Aid for Pakistan

Where is the United States now that Pakistan needs our help? This could be the real breaking point in ridding the region of the taliban, why arent we taking advantage of the opportunity to show our compasionate side!! Right now California is planning to build a $578 Million dollar high school in an area with a 50% drop out rate!! Why dont we take half of that budget and give it to Pakistan a country where people come to the United States from and start important small businesses in our country. The avarage 10th grader in Pakistan is probably smarter than the average first year college student in America (for certain in math and sciences). All I can say is that I'm embarrassed that more isnt being done to help a key country to defeating the taliban and humanitarian aid has less risk than a military occupation of a country am I right? Anyway I'm just a college drop out and a stay at home mom so who cares what I think anyway.

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